Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back to Business

Yeah, yeah, it's been forever since I've posted on my blog. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I during the past few months I had to suffer through a debilitating viral infection from the tropics while still spending hours every day working on a project to help fight starvation in Ethiopia. (Not that this was what happened, but it sounds like a pretty cool excuse.)
Anyways, it would make sense to kick things off again with a really cool story with pictures of me running through flames in a tutu or unicycling around Rice covered in orange spandex, but I'm sorry.
Those are posts for next week. :)
All you get today is a somewhat silly video of me talking about this Stop Online Piracy Act, a so-called attack on freedom of speech that wants to restrict access to illegal material online.

Discussion is highly encouraged.


  1. I'm going to blatantly ignore your request for thoughtful or relevant discussion and just say this: YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Your blog is back!!!!!

  2. interesting- numerous levels of sarcasm make your overall goal rather hard to discern. But judging from your family's past of adhering to copyright laws i'd say you don't agree with those apposing SOPA?

  3. I definitely can see an argument for shutting off access to sites breaking copyright violations. People take it as a right to have that free access, but it was completely illegal when the same offenses occurred in print. Any ethical business or properly cited intellectual/academic content would remain unaffected as it is real free speech that doesn't violate anyone else's right to intellectual property.
