Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Arrrgh! It Be Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Shiver me timbers!  I almost forgot that today be Talk Like A Pirate Day!  Many leagues have passed beneath me keel since I've used me buccaneering mannerisms!  Blow me down and have me marooned, but I won't let that be happenin again.  Seein' as I be at my apartment with costumes about as often as a landlubber sights a giant kraken, I had to make do with the flotsam and jetsam of me OC locker and the props of me mateys.  (There was a guy who gave a presentation recently about following our passions.  I may have used his business card to help make the eyepatch in the costume.  I hope he's proud.)

Though I've seen many a more threatenin' pirate climb a mizzenmast, I was still piratey enough to be considered a health code violation, and asked to leave the (ARRR)RMC.  But I did manage to get a complete stranger in a suit to voluntarily ARRRGH! at me, so if nothing else, I'd consider the day a success.

So, even though I had totally forgotten the vast amount of pirate that has been trained into my system, things are starting to come back now.  So here's a crash course in everything that is wonderful and piratey-
Quick tips on talking like a pirate, a must for every 19th of September-

All the best piratey songs for singing at top volume-
- Veggie Tale's Classic: 
- A Pirate's Life For Me:
- What Can you Do With A Drunken Sailor:

Fun facts about Pirates:
Pirates would wear one gold hoop earring not for fashion, but because it would pay for funeral expenses if people found their bodies washed up on a shore
Pieces of eight were actual 1/8ths of gold coins that would be cut up for smaller increments of currency
The city of Port Royal, where Pirates of the Caribbean is set, was destroyed in a catastrophic earthquake.  Then they rebuilt it.  Then it burned down.  After that, pirate life in the Caribbean area never recovered.

If anyone wants yet more piratey information, don't miss The Pirate's Primer!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant- and I am so glad you remembered such an important day in time P-/
