Monday, October 1, 2012

Words, words, words...

So, considering the fact that I sometimes admit that I'm a writer, I don't post a lot of independent writing on this blog of mine.  Musings, yes.  Bullet-points, definitely.  Snarky commentary, ahhh, sometimes.  But not straight up writing.
Thing is, I do lots of it.  All the time.  Some of the time.  At sporadic intervals, that nonetheless lead me to believe that I enjoy writing when I take the time and focus to do so.  It happens a lot in the fall or after I've been in the mountains, not sure why.

Anyways, I'm just going to start randomly putting things that I write up here, and if anyone has thoughts about them, let me know.  Otherwise, words don't do all that much just sitting in a document on my computer.
I just listened to Ke$ha's new single, and this little bit of counter-pop poetryish sort of just happened.

I will not die young
Nor lead an unlived life
You only die once
You live as much as you let yourself

Your life is not one shot, one course, or one direction
But a myriad of ever-changing fluctuating choices
An exploration of the vastness of knowledge and experience

Partying like there’s no tomorrow is fine today
And sucks tomorrow
Partying like tomorrow will happen can be just as fun
Every day for the rest of your life

A one-night stand lasts…
Lets see…
One night.
But true love never dies.

Playing with fire is fun
But so is growing a redwood forest
And then playing in it for years on end
You can’t be both an arsonist and an arborist
And expect both careers to pan out

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