Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back again!

It's summer now!  I'm looking at two months to fill with crazy adventures, with absolutely nothing academic to get in the way.
Soooo... Things that are happening in that time:

  • Writing a book!  That's right, it's novel time!!!  I'm bringing back a plot inspired by AP tests and everything else that is standardized and evil.  I'm brushing it up, adding a few twists, and inserting some of the knowledge and in depth research on the subject gained from two years of higher education.  If I don't finish it by July 31st, you have my permission to slap me to death with a speckled trout.
  • Furnishing my apartment!  This might seem a bit dull or non-crazy, except for the fact that most of my ideas so far have consisted of PVC pipe and duct tape, hammocks, or suggestions from anarchist guidebooks...
  • Learning to do things that most people can't do!  So far, I have a parkour gym, how-to books, and wikihow lined up, and I'm open to suggestions!  Skills to learn include but are not limited to fire breathing, advanced juggling, lockpicking, and miscellaneous forms of dance.
Plus of course work and learning how to cook and all those oh-so-crazy real life things.  But before my summer starts to look extremely agenda oriented, here's how goal-oriented I am right now:

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