Monday, October 15, 2012

Beyond First World Problems

Hopefully everyone is already familiar with the concept of first world problems.  If not, here's my post on the concept from last year.

After the absolutely fantastic Centennial, Rice students are running into a whole new line of difficult challenges to face every day: Centennial Problems.
These are issues like-

"What, I have to go to class, and it's not in a giant magical tent?!"

"What, projectors are now used for powerpoint slides, not for epic light shows?!"

"What, we have to go to the servery to eat food that someone else prepared for us, rather than just being provided with giant towers of cupcakes wherever we go?!"

It is with great difficulty that students across campus this week undergo this paralyzing suffering and hardship.  But Rice students are known for thriving even under the heaviest of burdens.  How else did we learn to deal with the other challenges we face on a regular basis.  Without this resilience, we might never have survived having to walk all the way to Tudor Fieldhouse to eat on Sammy's picnic.  Or having to slave away at putting all our recycling into bins for H&D to pick up.  Or even sitting through lectures in Herzstein, on hard, wooden chairs.  With *really cold* air conditioning!!!  
Yes, we suffer greatly here at Rice.  But we have what it takes to carry on.  Somehow.

On a similar topic, I happened upon a wonderful video this afternoon.  Saturday Night Live did a fantastic job at picking up on a similar problem plaguing our nation, through the form of the new iPhone 5.

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