Holy cow! I've had this blog for over a year, and just realized it now!
Silly me for not realizing this. Taking a look at the statistics, it's fun to see what topics and audiences I've gotten to play with this past year.
I've had over 2,500 views from 9 different countries. Not too bad, considering I do very little to advertise it. It also speaks considerably to the larger range of people that I have contact with now, considering that this is more views than my youtube channel got in 3 years of steadily advertising it in high school. Of course, being in a K-12 school with just 200 students total, it's kind of a limited viewership. I think the most views for a video I made during high school was me being a goof off with too much caffeine and Shakespeare, which got a little over 200 views.
Getting to Rice, I had a change in audience, with suddenly so many more people around me who were of similar interests. This naturally produced a lot more views from people who wanted to watch things I made, and even better added a lot of highly talented people willing to film with me. This resulted in quite a few fun videos, ranging from trying to give myself food poisoning to the Party in the Library Incident.
Now, this last video was great, not only because it guaranteed I would have far more fun trying to run for public office with that online, but because it showed that with a few posts and tweets, Rice University could get more views on one video in a week than I could in years of working by myself.
And now this blog is moving up into the top spot of viewership of media that I'm producing. I'm quite a fan of this. Hopefully, this means people are even more interested in reading in what I have to say than simply viewing my work for comic relief. I'm sure many people still do read this just because they like seeing me be ridiculous, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that my top viewed post this past year was First World Problems, which got even more views than my backflipping escapade.
So maybe I can have some sort of impact with my message.
Before I leave- an interesting note on technology-
I read a rather ridiculous article on super expensive computer chipped socks. Seeing things like this always frustrates me, because sure, while I'd love to have my socks match themselves, I'd rather see brilliant scientists putting work into researching ways to treat neglected diseases that kill hundreds of thousands of people. And $200 for a pair of socks is disturbing when 50 cents can give someone immunization against many of those diseases for an entire year.
Not that I'm against the development of pricy technology as a whole. There's this awesome device, the Vscan, which is like a stethoscope that costs $8000. The cool thing though, is that it also can analyze the heart well enough to prevent the need of a potential follow up echocardiogram that costs $1,500 to run. Plus, this thing can be carried in a backpack, and could be used to scan hearts basically anywhere in the world.
So that's my rather lengthy post for the day. Yes, there's a bucketload of hyperlinks, and probably too much text for more than a few people to actually read all the way through. But I've done some self assessment, and seen that pulling random ideas together from different fields to form an argument or conclusion is something I'm good at. So I'm going to keep doing it, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me. :)
Good thing! Carry on- shenanigans or otherwise.